duminică, 21 noiembrie 2010
Cursuri Stretching video -Pavel Tsatsoulin's Beyond Stretching
Cursuri Stretching video -Pavel Tsatsoulin's Beyond Stretching
Information on the video content:
Just like any of the Pavel's videos, this one provides good solid useful training informations on carrying out stretchings, and eventually on how to safely performing full splits the Pavel's way.
Format: AVI
Language: English
Video: DivX, 352 x 256
Audio: MPEG1 Layer-3, CBR
Frames/sec: 25
Size: 327 MB
Duration: 26:53
Cursuri Stretching video -Pavel Tsatsoulin's Beyond Stretching
Facilitated Stretching DVD, By Robert McAtee & Jeff Charland
Facilitated Stretching DVD, By Robert McAtee & Jeff Charland
Facilitated Stretching DVD ByRobert McAtee & Jeff Charland 2009
English | AVI | 848 x 448 | DVD Rip-x264 ~850 kbps | 128kbps vbr mp3 | 25 fps | 932 MB
Facilitated Stretching, Third Edition, provides a useful overview of PNF stretching—a safe and easy-to-use method that involves stretching the muscle, contracting it isometrically against resistance, then stretching it again to a new range of motion. These steps apply whether you are isolating one muscle at a time or using the spiral-diagonal patterns of PNF to stretch groups of muscles simultaneously. The third edition contains all the great features of the previous edition, plus the following:
* A companion DVD that demonstrates live stretching techniques from the book for a clearer understanding
* New stretching routines for a variety of popular activities including running, golf, swimming, cycling, and throwing and racket sports
* General stretches and stretches for older participants
* Stretching activities with added strength work using stability balls and elastic bands
* Stretching and strengthening tips for dealing with—and even preventing—common soft-tissue injuries
Facilitated Stretching DVD ByRobert McAtee & Jeff Charland 2009
English | AVI | 848 x 448 | DVD Rip-x264 ~850 kbps | 128kbps vbr mp3 | 25 fps | 932 MB
Facilitated Stretching, Third Edition, provides a useful overview of PNF stretching—a safe and easy-to-use method that involves stretching the muscle, contracting it isometrically against resistance, then stretching it again to a new range of motion. These steps apply whether you are isolating one muscle at a time or using the spiral-diagonal patterns of PNF to stretch groups of muscles simultaneously. The third edition contains all the great features of the previous edition, plus the following:
* A companion DVD that demonstrates live stretching techniques from the book for a clearer understanding
* New stretching routines for a variety of popular activities including running, golf, swimming, cycling, and throwing and racket sports
* General stretches and stretches for older participants
* Stretching activities with added strength work using stability balls and elastic bands
* Stretching and strengthening tips for dealing with—and even preventing—common soft-tissue injuries
Stretching and Kicking with Tom Kurz (2007)
Part I: How to Stretch for Kicking
Part II: Sample Workout for Kickers
You will see...
• The dynamic stretch that is most important for kickers (no, it is not the Leg Raise to the Front)
• The essential details of Side Kick and Roundhouse Kick that will let you kick high and with power without any warm-up
• Step-by-step drills for Front Kick, Side Kick, and Roundhouse Kick and for combinations of kicks and punches
• Corrections of common errors that keep you from throwing powerful high kicks with ease
• Tips on the static stretch that is most important for all martial artists (but especially for kickers)
• Simple exercises that combine developing strength and flexibility for martial arts.
Lou Gross: Structural Connective Tissue Stretching Method
Lou Gross: Structural Connective Tissue Stretching Method
A way to get longer, whole body stretches.
Developed by the structural integration body worker Lou Gross.
The video is produced by simplest means.
More information you will find at:
>DVD 1: Part 1 - The Full Basic Series
Format: avi
Size: 601 MB
Language: English
Run time: 61 min.
Plus self-massage "assisted stretching", and helpful information about backs and necks.
Format: avi
Size: 584 MB
Run time: 59 min.
A way to get longer, whole body stretches.
Developed by the structural integration body worker Lou Gross.
The video is produced by simplest means.
More information you will find at:
>DVD 1: Part 1 - The Full Basic Series
Format: avi
Size: 601 MB
Language: English
Run time: 61 min.
Plus self-massage "assisted stretching", and helpful information about backs and necks.
Format: avi
Size: 584 MB
Run time: 59 min.
Stretching Scientifically
Stretching Scientifically | 618 MB
Without a doubt, the most common questions I'm asked is; "What's your view on the latest scientific studies and research findings in regards to stretching?"The short answer is; "They all make for interesting reading, but I don't put a huge amount of confidence in them." Let me explain why.Most of the studies I've reviewed attempt to determine the effects of stretching on injury prevention. This is a mistake in itself, and shows a lack of understanding as to how stretching is used as part of an injury prevention program.
Stretching, by itself, will not prevent injury. In fact, stretching can cause injury if certain precautions aren't taken.Plus, it's not just a flexibility problem that can lead to injury. It could be a strength imbalance. It could be a stability or balance problem. It could be a proprioceptive imbalance. It could have to do with postural imbalances. It could have to do with physical imbalances like leg length differences. Or, it could simply be a matter of trying to do too much, too soon.
Stretching is just one very important component that assists in reducing the risk of injury. The best results are achieved when stretching is used in combination with other injury reduction techniques.Stretching and its effect on physical performance and injury prevention is something that just can't be measured scientifically. The effects of stretching are very hard to measure and all the studies that I have seen are nothing more than anecdotal studies. Meaning the results achieved, or not achieved, are simply that persons perception of what has improved or not improved.
Cursuri Stretching video -Ultimate Flexibility: Stretching for Martial Arts Sang H. K
Cursuri Stretching Video -Ultimate Flexibility: Stretching for Martial Arts Sang H. Kim (Stretching pentru Artele Martiale)
Achieve Ultimate Flexibility in 20 minutes a day! Based on his bestselling book Ultimate Flexibility, Sang H. Kim has created a series of 20-minute stretching workouts that you can follow at home to increase your flexibility and tone your body. Each of the three workouts - easy, moderate and intense - gives you a total body stretch with a special focus on the muscles commonly used in martial arts training. You also get an introduction to stretching, tips on getting the most out of your workouts, exercises to improve the height and power of your kicks, and a bonus 7-minute workout that focuses on stretches for high kicks and splits. If you re ready to dedicate 20 minutes a day to improving your flexibility, this DVD is for you.
Cursuri Stretching Video -Ultimate Flexibility: Stretching for Martial Arts Sang H. Kim (Stretching pentru Artele Martiale)
Vă doresc sa deveniti supli si flexibili in miscari cu antrenamentul de stretching!
Cursuri Stretching Maximum Stretching-Nikki Berwick
Cursuri Stretching video -Maximum Stretching-Nikki Berwick (Stretching Maximum)
Learn to take you flexability to the max. Become more supple and limber without injury.
In order to stay healthy, to prepare the body for a continuous effort, or to gain suppleness, stretching is the reference activity. Nikki Berwick, English champion in artistic martial arts, presents her personal Stretching method. Thanks to her method and to your commitment, your body will gain suppleness and wellbeing.
Learn to take you flexability to the max. Become more supple and limber without injury.
In order to stay healthy, to prepare the body for a continuous effort, or to gain suppleness, stretching is the reference activity. Nikki Berwick, English champion in artistic martial arts, presents her personal Stretching method. Thanks to her method and to your commitment, your body will gain suppleness and wellbeing.
Cursuri Stretching Maximum Stretching-Nikki Berwick
Va doresc sa deveniti supli si flexibili in miscari!
luni, 26 iulie 2010
10 lucruri pe care trebuie sa le stii despre stretching
Te-ai hotarat: stretchingul este sportul care ti se potriveste! Cu motivatia sus, sus de tot si cu echipamentul pregatit, afla acele mici trucuri care vor asigura succesul noului tau program de exercitii fizice. Nu uita ca de multe ori, esecul unui program de fitness are o explicatie simpla: exercitiile nu au fost efectuate corect, dar nu a existat nici consecventa in realizarea lor.
1. Este recomandat ca programul de stretching sa includa sesiuni de minim 15 minute, de doua sau trei ori pe saptamana. Cel mai indicat moment al zilei pentru a face acest tip de exercitii este atunci cand ne simtim in forma, mai ales intre orele 14-16, cand flexibiltatea noastra atinge punctul optim!
2. Mediul in care se desfasoara sedinta este important! Asigura-te ca incaperea este bine aerisita, dar calda (cel putin 20 grade C), iar muzica - relaxanta (spre deosebire de fitness, unde fundalul sonor trebuie sa fie cat mai antrenant).
3. Chiar daca exercitiile sunt aparent "blande", aceasta nu inseamna ca trebuie ingnorata perioada dedicata incalzirii. Aceasta este esentiala! Este timpul sa iti amintesti de ce faceai in scoala primara. Cele aproximativ 10 minute de la inceputul fiecarui antrenament trebuie sa contina un mix de exercitii de incalzire a tuturor incheieturilor pana la nivelul degetelor combinate cu cateva miscari aerobice (o bicicleta, joc de glezne, sarituri cu sau fara coarda). Rolul este de ridicare a temperaturii corpului pentru a creste fluxul de sange de la nivelul muschilor.
4. Exercitiile se executa incet, cu muschii bine intinsi dupa ce au fost bine inclaziti. Nu te gandi la serviciu, la probleme ramase nerezolvate. Pentru a te bucura pe deplin de beneficiile acestui tip de miscare, fiecare exercitiu trebuie efectuat de minim doua ori si maxim cinci ori, pe fiecare parte.
5. In cele cateva zeci de secunde (intre 10-30 de secunde) cat trebuie sa dureze fiecare exercitiu de stretching , concentreaza-te pe miscare, pe fiecare grupa de muschi lucrata si pe efectele sale tonice si relaxante. Fa o pauza de 10 secunde intre exercitii. Concentrarea e importanta, deoarece daca lucreaza si mintea la un loc cu corpul, efectul va fi garantat!
6. Stretchingul pune mare accent pe respiratie! Practicarea sa iti va aminti (daca va fi cazul) sa respiri corect. Asadar, inspira adanc pe nas si expira de doua ori mai lung pe gura, constientizand in acelasi timp contractia abdominala. In modul acesta si cei astmatici vor beneficia de imbunatatirea calitatii respiratorii.
7. O persoana care nu a facut miscare de mult timp va descoperi ca este destul de putin flexibila, iar in timpul primelor sedinte, exercitiile o vor pune in situatia in care va resimti din plin fiecare intindere. Nu dispera, rezultatele nu vor intarzia sa apara!
8. Importanta este si ordinea de executie; se va trece treptat din partea superioara a corpului spre trenul inferior, executandu-se cate 1-2 exercitii pentru fiecare grupa musculara. La cele facute din picioare, genunchii se flexeaza usor pentru a proteja mai bine coloana.
9. Dupa un set de exercitii la sol, revenirea in picioare nu se face brusc, ci prin cateva minute "intermediare" de relaxare in sezut.
10. Trebuie sa tii cont de faptul ca unele posturi pot fi usor incomode daca nu chiar dureroase. Nu se face nici o fortare articulara, ci se progreseaza lent. Daca apare brusc o senzatie dureroasa ascutita, opreste-te! Vei relua antrenamentele in alta zi.
Va doresc sa deveniti supli si flexibili in miscari !
vineri, 16 iulie 2010
joi, 15 iulie 2010
Cursuri Stretching -antrenament spagat sfoara stretching perfect
Cursuri Stretching -antrenament spagat sfoara stretching perfect
Cursuri Stretching -antrenament spagat sfoara stretching perfect
Cursuri Stretching -Imagini sfoara spagat stretching flexibilitate Jean Claude van Damme
Cursuri Stretching Imagini sfoara spagat stretching flexibilitate
Jean Claude van Damme
Vladimir Putin şi Jean-Claude Van Damme, la o gală de arte marţiale
Vladimir Putin a asistat la o gală de lupte, la care sunt permise toate stilurile de arte marţiale şi orice fel de lovituri, desfăşurată în sudul Rusiei, alături de Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Premierul rus este foarte atent să-şi menţină imaginea unui lider tânăr, preocupat de acţiune şi de sport. Deţinător al centurii negre la judo, Putin a putut fi văzut ajutându-i pe oamenii de ştiinţă să pună un emiţător unui urs polar în cadrul unui program de observare a speciei, s-a scufundat într-un minisubmarin pe fundul celui mai adânc lac din lume, Baikal, şi a făcut rafting pe unele dintre cele mai rapide cursuri de apă din Siberia.
Aceste gale de lupte care constau într-o dură combinaţie de box şi karate în care sunt permise orice fel de lovituri cu pumnii şi picioarele, sunt extrem de populare în Rusia.
Vladimir Putin şi Jean-Claude Van Damme se cunosc de mult şi au luat masa împreună la un restaurant din Soci.
Cursuri Stretching -Imagini sfoara spagat stretching flexibilitate
Cursuri lectii carti antrenament spagat sfoara stretching
Cursuri stretching -lectii carti antrenament spagat sfoara stretching
1. Stretching For Dummies carte antrenament spagat sfoara
2. Stretching Anathomy - carte stretching
Cursuri stretching lectii carti antrenament spagat sfoara stretching
Cursuri Stretching Cursuri Video Antrenament Spagat Sfoara Secretele Stretchingului 2
Cursuri Stretching -Cursuri Video Antrenament Spagat Sfoara Secretele Stretchingului 2
Paket21. Cursuri video antrenament sfoara TOM KURZ - Secrets Of Stretching
2. TOM KURZ - curs video antrenament sfoara spagat Stretching Scientifically
3. PAVEL TSATSOULINE- Relax Intro Stretch
4. PAVEL TSATSOULINE - From Russia With Tghout Love
7. MATT FURREY - Combat Conditioning
8. MATT FURREY Combat Stretching Dinamyc cursuri video stretching si flexibilitate
9. Gama Fitness
10.How To Hook A Heavyweight
Cursuri Stretching -Cursuri Video Antrenament Spagat Sfoara Secretele Stretchingului 2
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